Tutorial - São Paulo City LiDAR

Published: Nov 25, 2019 by C.H. Grohmann

The São Paulo City Hall has just released free LiDAR data covering the city on their digital mapping platform, GeoSampa.

Since the GeoSampa site is in Portuguese, I posted a short tutorial on how to access the data in the SPAMLab blog: https://spamlab.github.io/2019-11-25-pmsp_laz/.

Also, just a few hours after the post went live, it received a comment from Fernando Gomes, who works at GEOINFO (the group maintaining GeoSampa) and shared a GitHub repository with a preliminary approach to analyze LiDAR data with Python and PDAL: https://github.com/geoinfo-smdu/usando-MDT. Nice!

Hope it helps. Spread the word!



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