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NASA Lunar Mission Successfully Enters Moon Orbit
Jun 24, 2009 • CarlosGrohmann
Tuesday the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has successfully entered orbit around the moon. Also, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) competed a very important maneuver, which show that all the instruments are working just fine.
While LRO will provide detailed 3D images of the Monn’s surface, LCROSS will separate from its attached Centaur rocket and then both will collide on the Moon by October 09. The Centaurs’ first collision will create a cloud of debris, which will be analyzed for presence of water vapour and hydrocarbons as LCROSS fly through it. Afterwards, LCROSS will also collide, creating a second debris cloud.
NASA provides constant updates via Twitter, at and
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