
Somewhat random thoughts

ASTER Global DEM (GDEM) available!

Good news!

It was just announced that NASA/METI released today the 30m global (83degreesNS, about 22600 scenes) ASTER GDEM based on 1,264,118 single ASTER dems from 1.4 million scenes in total. (95% vertical ci: 20 meters, 95% horizontal ci: 30 meters).

NASA Lunar Mission Successfully Enters Moon Orbit

Tuesday the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has successfully entered orbit around the moon. Also, the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) competed a very important maneuver, which show that all the instruments are working just fine.

Enceladus may have a subsurface ocean

The Nature article “Sodium salts in E-ring ice grains from an ocean below the surface of Enceladus” by F. Postberg et al., discusses the possibility of a liquid subsurface ocean in Saturn’s moon Enceladus. Here follows the abstract. The full paper can be viewed by Nature’s subscribers.

Amazing Optical Illusion

Just the other day I was going through some Remote Sensing books, preparing a class on color theory. It is just cool the way our brain works and how it changes our perception of colors. Our brain always try to identify the color (or shade of gray) by comparing it with the colors/shades in its surroundings. This way we always tend to see a shade of gray a little darker than it really is, and if someone would ask you to point the 50% mark on a gray scale gradient, you would most likely point to the 60 or 65% shade.


Tá, tá, tá. Eu sei. Este post está atrasado mesmo.

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O que é um Invited Review?

Ultimamente recebemos no Brazilian Journal of Geology (BJGEO) alguns pedidos de autores interessados em enviar artigos de revisão, os “Invited Reviews”. Mas o que é esse tipo de artigo? Uma revisão bibliográfica de tese pode ser publicada dessa maneira? Vamos ver:

UTM 23S??

If there’s one thing that I see all the time as a reviewer, is a map of some study area in Brazil with a caption like “UTM coordinates zone 23S”.


The Brazilian Journal of Geology is the official publication of the Brazilian Geological Society. As the Deputy Editor, I receive emails with common questions about the journal. So I decided to crate a page with some useful information for potential authors.