
Somewhat random thoughts

The SPAMLab has a website (and a blog)

Yes, that’s right. I finally managed to get the SPAMLab website up and running. It’s hosted on Github Pages: I’ll try to keep it updated with our research projects and activities. Stay tuned, and follow us on Twitter (@spamlab.iee) and Instagram (@spamlab.iee).

Publish anything with us (just need to pay 1200 Euros)

So I just got this email:

I deleted my account at

I decided to delete my account at after reading Sarah Bond’s article in Forbes and Ethan Gruber’s post.

Denoising SRTM with GRASS-GIS

Digital elevation data usually has some noise in it, but removing that noise may not be as easy as a simple filtering procedure. Using raster filters (mean, mode etc) in moving-windows operations will smooth the original topography. One solution is to perform the filtering with the XYZ information of each pixel (that is, treating the DEM as a point cloud and filtering the vector points).

Curso Internacional de Espeleoresgate 2016

Estão abertas as inscrições para o Curso Internacional de Espeleoresgate 2016.

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O que é um Invited Review?

Ultimamente recebemos no Brazilian Journal of Geology (BJGEO) alguns pedidos de autores interessados em enviar artigos de revisão, os “Invited Reviews”. Mas o que é esse tipo de artigo? Uma revisão bibliográfica de tese pode ser publicada dessa maneira? Vamos ver:

UTM 23S??

If there’s one thing that I see all the time as a reviewer, is a map of some study area in Brazil with a caption like “UTM coordinates zone 23S”.


The Brazilian Journal of Geology is the official publication of the Brazilian Geological Society. As the Deputy Editor, I receive emails with common questions about the journal. So I decided to crate a page with some useful information for potential authors.