
Somewhat random thoughts

AGU Fall Meeting - second update

[EN] Tuesday wasn’t so productive for me. I went to the posters in the morning but in the afternoon, I went shopping some sports gear, so in the end of the day I was really tired and on top of that, I had to practice my presentation, so I went home early, without any beer consumed.

AGU Fall Meeting - first update

[EN] First updates on AGU 2010 Fall Meeting, in San Francisco, CA. This is for sure the biggest meeting I’ve been. A bazillion people, thousands of posters per day, tens of interesting talks. It’s hard to decide what to attend.

Some thoughts on a fresh install of gvSIG

I just did a fresh install of the just-released gvSIG 1.10. This is a nice Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) GIS that is written in java, so it runs pretty much anywhere, even from a flash drive. So I downloaded the installer, set up the execution permission (I’m on Linux) and run it. Te first thing the installer asks you is about the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). I only had two choices (the other two were unavailable): selecting a JRE already present in my machine or install a JRE ready to use in my home directory (this is the recommended option). Hey, gvSIG devs: I don’t want that JRE in my HOME directory. I’d like to have it somewhere else, in a place I can choose (not you guys). Turns out i only realized this after I completed the install, so I went and deleted the directory with the binaries (for this one I can choose the location…) and move the folder with the JRE to another place, and did a second install selecting a pre-existent JRE. OK, done. Yeah, right.  

Nature by numbers

[EN] - A beautiful video about how math and geometry relate to some aspects of nature. In the author’s site, there is also a nice page with the mathematical background of the concepts shown in the video, like the Fibonacci sequence and Voronoi tessellation.

Caps locks

Remember, you should NOT write emails in all caps.  

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O que é um Invited Review?

Ultimamente recebemos no Brazilian Journal of Geology (BJGEO) alguns pedidos de autores interessados em enviar artigos de revisão, os “Invited Reviews”. Mas o que é esse tipo de artigo? Uma revisão bibliográfica de tese pode ser publicada dessa maneira? Vamos ver:

UTM 23S??

If there’s one thing that I see all the time as a reviewer, is a map of some study area in Brazil with a caption like “UTM coordinates zone 23S”.


The Brazilian Journal of Geology is the official publication of the Brazilian Geological Society. As the Deputy Editor, I receive emails with common questions about the journal. So I decided to crate a page with some useful information for potential authors.